Forum Discussion

blstrahan04's avatar
Jun 21, 2016

Aluminum Roof Repair?

So went camping over Father's Day weekend and found we had some water issues. Wall paper above the dinette on our 1994 Sunline Saturn T-2251 was bubbled and wall felt a little mushy. Left it go until we parked it, at which point I ripped open the wall...wasnt't good. Figure the cosmetic stuff will wait until I fix the roof.

It's an aluminum roof, but I can't tell where the water is coming from. So I am going to Eternabond the heck out of all the seams and then was thinking about sealing the rest of the roof with some type of elastomeric coating. Any recommendations? Should I even do it? If so, what product should I use? And if by chance the water is coming in where my awning bolts onto the side of the camper (which I suspect may be the case), what's the best way to fix that?
  • I had some issues with my aluminum roof. Had leaks around antenna and a seam in the rear corner.
    I removed antenna and scrapped off all the old putty tape with a plastic scrapper and bought good quality butyl tape and reinstalled the antenna with that.
    Also check around your vent windows and fridge and plumbing vents.
    Any sealer that is cracked or loose around the edges should be removed and resealed.
    I like Dicor Self leveling sealer for the roof.

    Make sure you clean the roof well before applying sealer or tape, you want a clean surface for a good bond.
  • Any idea what the darker colored sealant might be that I need to deal with? Would you remove it or tape over it?

    Folks put all kind of stuff on roofs to seal them, I had asphalt on mine. What you have appears to be caulk (and probably contains silicone). I'd use some 3M caulk remover and mineral spirits as a final wash. There's no short cuts with this roof sealing. If you leave the old stuff on there, there's a pretty good chance anything you put on top will peel off with the failing stuff.
    Also, any kind of roof topping you apply, short of a LineX style material, will not seal your roof.
  • Welcome to the forum.
    Eternabond is an excellent choice for covering the roof seams.

    Another option is Dicor Self Leveling Lap Sealant.
    Use Dicor non-leveling for the side walls. Shop around for the best price.

    I would use the Eternabond. It's a one time repair.

    The dark sealant on your roof could be silicone, which is not a good choice for a RV.
    I would remove as much as possible. Try a heat gun on low and a plastic scraper.
    It's difficult to get something to stick to silicone, including more silicone.
    Hopefully it's just a non-silicone type caulk.

    If you really want to check for leaks, consider a Pressure Test.

    Enjoy your travels.
  • Thanks westend...gonna start with the taping of seams and see if that does the trick. the roof itself looks great for being 20+ years old.

    Any idea what the darker colored sealant might be that I need to deal with? Would you remove it or tape over it?
  • I ended up applying Eternabond to all the seams, around the vents, and over the edge trim on my aluminum roof. Haven't had a problem since.

    If you want to see where your leaks are, do a pressurized leak test.

    To seal any screw that enters the siding or roof, remove the screw and fasten back in through Eternabond or a filled hole of sealant.