Forum Discussion

falconbrother's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 24, 2021

Always carry an extra tube of roof sealant..

My wife and I towed the travel trailer to a dog show and then went glamping for a week. On the first day and night the rain came down in buckets, for hours. The next morning I noticed a small trickle of water on the wall. I grabbed the ladder and checked the roof. Some of the sealant on that corner had dried and had some small cracks in it. Lucky for me there was a Camping World not far away so I fixed it. Over the next few days we got a lot of rain but, no more leak.

I assumed that with a 4.5 year old camper I wouldn't need to carry such things. I checked the entire roof and didn't see any other areas that looked like they needed a touchup. In decades past we always had older RVs and I was well stocked for on the road repairs. Lesson learned. Carry a tube of sealant and check the roof before leaving. (As a side note I had just washed that roof a week before the trip but I didn't inspect it..shame shame).
  • BB_TX wrote:
    A roll of Eternabond is not a bad idea to have on hand either. Just in case a tree limb jumps out and grabs you. Been there.

    Etrnabound is great, but unless you carry stuff to clean the surface, plan to take the time while it is raining a roll of the packing tape works about as well. Does not last long but the good tape doesn't either unless done right.
  • If there are buckets of rain it's going to leak. Rubber roofs suck. I've learned to be happy to keep the leak down to just a trickle in buckets of rain.
  • An RV roof that lasted 4.5 years without maintenance? That’s a record.

    I carry a quart of Heng’s and a third of a roll of Eternabond. Why store those two at home?
  • A roll of Eternabond is not a bad idea to have on hand either. Just in case a tree limb jumps out and grabs you. Been there.
  • falconbrother wrote:
    I assumed that with a 4.5 year old camper I wouldn't need to carry such things.

    Depending on who you ask, you should be checking the roof every 6 months to 2 years...resealing as needed.
  • Boy do I hate downpours. I'm constantly checking the ceiling for leaks, and I can't hear the TV!

    I struggled with a leaky skylight for years. I tried Dicor and Eternabond, but that didn't work. Heng's rubber roof sealant does. It's thinner and goes on like paint.