Huntindog wrote:
Major, I noticed that you are pretty new here.
I want to give you a belated welcome to the forum.
Generators are one of the most discussed items here.
So unless it is a brand new product coming on the market, it has been discussed here, and almost always with some first hand testimony.
Great generators are thought by most to be the Honda and Yamaha invertor types. The Champion is making a pretty good case for making it a threesome.
Good ones are what I call the tweeners. Not nearly as loud as the contractor ones from the big box stores, or as quiet as the great ones.
They come with some nice touches for RV use and are really affordable in initial price. The Champion 3500 pull start and remote electric start are the most well known of these.
Then there is the rest, rounding out the bottom. Some may be a little better than the others, but as a class, they aren't considered a good fit for RV use by most.
The Boiley falls into this catagorey.
Thank you for the comments. Yes, I have read several threads about generators in my short amount of time trolling this forum. I especially enjoyed the back and forth mud slinging about the cheap Harbor Freight generator (LOL). If there's any one thing I've picked up in reading about them is that mostly everything comes down to a matter of economics. Personally, I could afford a yammy or a honda, but many people simply cannot. For those people, there's no convincing them to shell out the cash for the blue or red. I'm cool with that.
I stumbled across this product line after seeing an ad for a used one on CL. I think they were asking $600 for it, which led me to investigate further. As I said, no endorsement from me, but quite frankly, if someone pulled up next to me in their TT and whipped out a generator, I'd rather it be this one (with the low DB noise level) instead of a typical cheaper and louder unit ;)
After doing a bit of research into foreign manufacturing and importing a few years back, I learned that for many products, differences are very subtle. Not that I'm suggesting the Boliy is an equivalient to a Yamaha or Honda, but marketing and ad campaigns play a big role in pricing, popularity, and acceptance. I don't buy power tools from HF and I don't buy rods and reels from Wal-Mart, but if I were in the market for a generator, I'd be willing to shell out $500 to $600 for the used Boily based upon what I've learned.