Forum Discussion

jbres's avatar
Dec 12, 2014

Another thread on rear diff. lubricant.....

I didn't want to hack the other thread going on with rear diff. questions, but it influenced me to post my issue with my rear diff.
I have a 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe, 5.3 4x4 133,000 miles. About two years ago, I had some work done at local shop on my Tahoe as my emergency brake was really screwed up, and they ended up having to drain the rear diff. fluid. A holding plate was screwed up on my e-brake, which was connected with the rear axle. 6 months or so passes, no issues.
THEN, the rear end banging, clunking, chattering, bumping began, especially during deceleration. I tried talking to the local shop who fixed the e-brake, and them damn fools could hardly tell me what type of fluid was even used.
So after talking with the local Chevy Dealer, they said try adding a anti-slip. That's what I did, and it still makes the same damn clunking, chattering etc. and its been another year.

SO, what should I even do?? All my manual states is use 75w90 synthetic axle lubricant. Should I trying changing it again, and make sure I put in the 75w 90 synthetic, because honestly, who even knows what the repair shop ever used!!
  • what am I specifically looking for on the build plate to find out about the limited slip diff?
  • well, when servicing my rear diff, should I put back in the 75w90 full synthetic? and with or without the additive?
  • Check the build plate normally in glove box for build data and see if your rig came with limited slip differentials.
  • Servicing a diff is super easy so I suggest you do it yourself.
    Drain the fluid into a pan and check the bottom of it for metal. If you find anything like this:

    Then you have trouble and you should get it into a shop for repair NOW. If you keep driving it like that, the bits of metal will go through the gears and eventually destroy them - which will cost you another $600~$750 beyond what the rebuild costs.

    BTW, those bits are from my spider gears and while you'd think they were just common metal, they must be gold because there's $2300 worth of that stuff there :(
  • I would guess that the spider gears are chipped and small pieces are in the case.
    You could try changing lubricant and watch for parts in drain pan, but if they are damaged it won't do any good.