NC Hauler wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
The Mad Norsky wrote:
What grade of oil are they using in your new Cummins Jim???
Synthetic, synthetic blend or straight dino oil???
15,000 mile oil change recommended?
As far as I can tell it's straight dino oil 15W-40....This truck does have the 15,000 mile oil change interval..States if you use a synthetic oil, make sure it meets Cummins specs.
The oil from Cummins is 5-40 Synthetic Rotella. Original fill!
I didn't see that information, but it works for
Stuart Miller Regional Training Mgr. from Chrysler held a walk around with a 13 Ram 3500 single rear wheel SB in Pahrump at the first of the month. I pulled the dipstick and noticed it was very clean. That is when he said the oil was Rotella 5-40 Synthetic factory fill.
So there goes the theory of waiting X number of miles before running synthetic.
At 2K I started running AMZ/OIL 100% synthetic 15-40.
I drain my oil overnight on my 11 HO Ram and after oil change I start it and check level and the oil is black.
This is all good news on the 13 Rams!