The '13 still have to regen to burn the soot collected in the DPF. The use of DEF eliminates NOX in the exhaust which also helps reduce soot production by allowing less EGR volume but does not eliminate soot produced by the combustion process
Sure they have to regen but that "regen" like the other "big 2" takes place in the exhaust system, hardly responsible for making the oil black. with introduction of the 6.7 in the 3rd generation Rams/Cummins the in cylinder EGR was reduced and DPF added. 4th gens reduced even more, now with the DPF/DEF third injection event has seen a huge reduction as compared to the 3rd gen 5.9s.
Reducing soot through the in cylinder EGR can be done via programmer where the timing is increased or, by replacing the camshaft (better choice) with reground lobes to reduce/eliminate duration of the third injection event. My Hamilton cam works great, along with 50hp nozzles, I've gained over 3mpg and my oil is no longer black! oil is clear enough to read the dipstick, where as pre camshaft one couldn't see writing on the dipstick.