Forum Discussion

Drum's avatar
May 20, 2013

Anybody besides me using old school WD hitch?

I'm still a forum newbie, and one thing I've noticed is all the talk about the newer WD hitches like Hensley and Equalizer. When I go camping, I guess I don't really pay attention to others' hitches. Before discovering this site, I thought most people used the old school bars with chains and a separate anti sway bar. I can use an old pipe for leverage if needed to set the chain tension. That's what my dad used and it's what I use. It's simple to set up and gets the job done with no issues for me. Am I truly in the minority as it seems by reading the threads here?
  • Have used the old school bars and chains sense starting to camp with a TT back in '05 and has been used on 3 different TT's with no issues.
  • I have the Pro Series and it works fine. That is what I got with the camper and have had no issues once I got it set up. I always take the sway bar off once I get off the main highway. Mine came with a little pipe too, but I got a bigger one so my jack does not have to lift as much.
  • Most people use and are happy with traditional WD hitches. The folks on this forum are a little more likely to try something different, whether it is better or not.
  • I use the old school WDH and have used it on the past 4 campers I owned. I have never had an issue with it but I also use the friction anti sway setup.
  • all the talk about the newer WD hitches like Hensley and Equalizer.
  • Same here and I don't use the sway bar. Never had an issue in the past 7 years of towing our TT.
  • In all honesty, You and I are in the majority. There are way more of us using the basic WDH than there are those using the super expensive hitches. Why? You may ask. It's simple really. It's what the dealers supply with the TTs. They work, so why change. My new TT came with an EZ-Lift hitch, my last TT came with a Reese, Both use a swaybar for sway control. Niether has any sway. Wht spend more to do the same thing.

    Remember 99% of people who camp, or RV. Don't visit this site, or even know it exists
  • I have the Dual Cam which uses the bars and chains. It just has the sway control built into it!