Forum Discussion

Steamguy's avatar
Jul 13, 2016

Anyone here have a handicap assist system installed?

My wife had an accident and then back surgery but that isn't keeping her from wanting to continue going out camping, now that she's mobile again.

Her main problem is that she has trouble lifting and aligning her feet to go up and down our trailer steps. At her current rate of improvement, it will be quite some time yet before she can do stairs really well and with confidence.

I want to help her enjoy things as much as I do, and to not feel restricted. So here's my question.

We've seen some 'elevator' systems online, and were wondering if anyone here has one installed, and how you like it. She particularly liked one that looks like a liftgate for a truck. It has a handle and a secure, flat place for her to stand to enter and exit, so next to no barrier to stepping on and off.

Our trailer frame and wall sructure can take the mount OK, (it's one of those stout Northwood units) but I'd sure like some advice from someone who has one of these elevators installed; such as how much to expect to pay for an installed cost, what kind of maintenance it requires, and has it been reliable for you.

Thanks to all who can help.
  • Similar Problem for us.
    I purchased one of these - with the extended lift due to the height of our Motorhome floor from the ground.

    It arrived via UPS. The instructions were clear (but the hole size noted was too small for the bolts - easy to fix, but do not go too large and get a loose fit.)
    As with many of my projects, what was to be a four hour job took two partial days. Use care to run the power supply correctly!!

    It has provided many enjoyable days for us that otherwise would not have happened.

    Oh - and I had to add a 'notch' for tight travel stowage.

    Further information - check carefully the planned installation location. I needed to move the external grab bar from the outside to the inside on the other side. (Inside of the open door.) Then after it was all done, I overlooked the fact that the round turntable fitting blocked raising the compartment door - so that compartment only holds items I hope to not need - as I need to lay on the ground to get into it as the door only raises about 12 inches.
  • I have been looking at aluminum ramps with landing. Used ones are not bad for price. My plan is to have something ready before we need it (although my wife would love to have it now).
  • Check into the companies that sell lifts for the hitch for power wheel chairs. This may need to be custom made, but can't see any reason why this isn't workable. Possibly a custom welding company could come up with an idea. Good luck with this....great that she's ready to get out and enjoy life again.