~DJ~ wrote:
Here are the towing laws for each state. Double towing is referred to as Triple Tow in their definition (not mine).
I double tow all over ID and MT with a TT. First thing to consider is how big is your boat? Mine is 16' with a 200# tongue weight and 2400# pull weight.
Next, don't even consider using that 2" factory receiver!!! Take your TT to a welding shop that does this sort of thing. Your existing TT frame SHOULD be reinforced before adding a hitch. Mine, for instance, was done by a local shop and rated at 300/3000. And he will not do it to just any TT. There has to be sufficient frame to start with.
I also have a rear view camera on the TT to "observe" and aid in hooking up.
I would check the validity of this website with the actual DOT site for the States you want to pull in. There are some errors in what is posted here. As an example they list the maximum trailer length as 45' for the State of MN. That length was changed many years ago to 53'. This is for Commercial trailers.