Final Update:
These are going back to Amazon for refund. Epic Fail.
There is no bi-directional (or continuous or frequent or every now and then) polling on these between sensors and the receiver/display. There is only sensor to display notification and it is ONE TIME only when change is noticed. If the display/receiver is in a vehicle and the vehicle is off, IT NEVER RECEIVES A CHANGE SIGNAL. It continues on it's merry way displaying the last known status from when it was powered on.
I removed a sensor from my RV with the truck on, the display alarmed with zero pressure on that tire. Put the sensor back on, the display stopped alarming and updated with correct psi.
Did the same exact thing with the truck off and no power to the display, and it never updated. Kept showing the last known status for all four tires. I drove away from the storage lot where I keep my RV and carried the sensor with me in the truck for two days. The display never updated. Still showing last know status from when it powered down.
Not recommended regardless of Amazon ratings.