Forum Discussion

  • Personally, I think it's a pretty informative site. And, it's no easy task, writing a good, accurate article ... been doing it for over twenty years. At least the article part, and 'hope good, accurate' fits too. :)

    And, most writers start off 'free' because any writer submitting to a magazine usually needs 'clip' ... so it's a good place to start and get one 'clip' and an example that shows your 'stuff' to editors that do pay.
  • Is Truck Camper Adventure seeking to cut costs further? Hmmmm Using independent contractors to write articles is inexpensive. Looks as their entire staff are "contributors" except for the "senior editor." Senior to who?
  • Exactly so. I managed to get two articles published a decade ago - and for the princely sum of $150 each! - but you certainly won't make a living like that. It was more, as you so correctly point out, for the bragging rights, and for the sheer joy of feeling you'd done something and done it well. It was a great feeling, and I'm still quite proud of having done it!
  • This is something you have to want to do for the enjoyment of writing and sharing your experience. I've had a few articles published related to a former hobby and even when you get paid it will probably be in the range of minimum wage or less given the time it takes to research, write and edit the article. A 500 word article at 10 cents per word gets you $50 and bragging rights ("I'm a professional writer"). If you spend four hours researching, writing and editing the article that's $12.50 per hour.