I ran across your thread and thought you may want some input from someone who has owned a coach like you are interested in. I have a 1999 Nash 22H which is close to the same floor plan as the Arctic Fox you are considering, except my bed is rotated slightly from the plan you are looking at. I have now owned this trailer for 16 years and it has been to Alaska, the Keys, the East coast a couple of times and mostly to small Forest Service and State park campgrounds. I can honestly say that the Nash has been absolutely rock solid for all this time. No frame issues, no structural issues, nothing. The thing just keeps going and going. I specifically did not want a slide in the trailer and have never missed having one. My wife and I spend most of our time outside the trailer when we travel/camp and feel that it is the perfect size for the remote places that we frequent. I know the Arctic Fox you are considering is probably much improved since my 1999 Nash was produced, but if it is built like my Nash, you will not be sorry for your purchase.
I can't speak to the generator option, as that was not an option when I purchased the Nash. Since I am from Tucson, the generator to run the AC is not a priority. I make it a point when I leave Tucson to always head somewhere cooler where I don't need the AC! Glad to hear you are going to get the awning. Even if you never use it, having it will be much better for resale.
I love the Nash so much that I do not even look around at getting something else. It works for us, is stored under an awning and people can't believe it is 16 years old when they see it. I take very good care of it. A fantastic product.