I have never compared TT travel to camping. It is like comparing apples to watermelons.
Camping is foregoing as many creature comforts as necessary to meet the objective. Wilderness canoeing and backpacking are perhaps the most barebones examples.
Modern tenting, pop-ups and various car camping methods that require set up and tear down, packing and unpacking of the perceived necessities are more typical of examples of modern camping. As the video shows, people have been chasing this dream for years.
TT, 5ers, Class A, B or C coaches are a completely different realm. They open the door to travel and mobility without foregoing all of the conveniences of home or having to unpack, setup and teardown. The price of course it more cost, and less accessibility.
I have a canoe, pop-up and now a TT, it is not a matter of which is better; it is a choice of which best fits the needs at hand.