Forum Discussion

Gonzo42's avatar
Feb 28, 2014

Are you a minimalist?

Way, way back in time before the Chrysler building was tipped over and put on wheels, there was a point in time when those with limited funds found ways to go camping. Some of the rigs were quite unique and I'll bet you a doughnut they didn't cost an king's ransom:
  • Shouldn't this get bumped to the 40 foot Diesel Pusher page?? ;)
  • DaDubs wrote:
    I love how the parents thought it was important to wear helmets, but not for the kid. :-)

    :B Good point.
  • Gonzo42 wrote:
    there was a point in time when those with limited funds found ways to go camping.

    They're called tents, and we had one until we could afford the TT. ;)
  • I love how the parents thought it was important to wear helmets, but not for the kid. :-)
  • Wow, and I thought we were minimalist! That's really wild - quirky, stylish, and utilitarian, what a great combo. Much as Roy stated above, my wife and I have always stuck with smaller setups (currently in a 14' VW Westfalia) and like it that way. We spend almost all of our time outside when camping and just need a sheltered place to sleep and stow some clothes and food. We still do a good deal of tent camping because it's more rewarding, but to each their own. If the wife would let me buy a jeep I'd have one of those trailers linked above in a heartbeat!

    - Randy
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I have never been a big fan of bringing your whole house along with you on camping trips. With all the modern appliances now available to you to use it sure is exciting times now compared to what we camped with in the past. My whole camping idea was based around a hugh bag full of D-CELLS batteries and white gas lamps and burners... Had great times tent camping back in those days in the Arizona high country. My setup started out much like this photo back in those days with two or three of all us heading out together.. Everyone carried something to support the camping trip in their utility trailer pulled behind their jeeps... Those were the days...

    All photos from GOOGLE Images

    I like the way alot of the AUSSI off-road trailers are setup. Being a tent campers from the past 50s and 60s this idea is neat for me... All kinds of different setups available to you with the metal floor above the ground when setup.

    If I can find some metal boxes with doors or drawers I would really love to change my front deck on my Starcraft 14RT to something like this from down under. My front deck is currently just used for supplies and such... My 12-foot main box coupled with this maximum covered storage area on the deck would be my ultimate go anywhere OFF-ROAD "WAR WAGON"...

    I love the independent wheel suspension the AUSSI OFF-RoaD trailers has as well..

    All photos from GOOGLE IMAGES

    Roy Ken