Huntindog wrote:
Never trade in an RV. Unlike the auto industry there is no reliable "book" price. For new or used. The only way to know what you are really paying for an RV is to pay cash. And the only way to know what you are recieving for your old RV is to sell it for cash.
I will not knock the RV dealers much for this, as they deal with the same uncertainties in a trade in situation as well. If they misjudge what they can sell for your trade, then they stand to lose money on the deal. Obviously if that happens too often, they can't stay in buisiness.
Well, that all depends on what someone else will pay and how much effort you wish to find that person. :)
For me, I traded my 16 year old 722F Prowler TT that was in great shape and cleaned up pretty nice for what I thought I'd get maybe 2-3 grand for.. Dealer offered me $6,500 for it sight unseen for my 2019 Rockwood that I feel I got for a heck of deal too!
Anyway, I had folks knock on my door for YEARS offering to buy my old Prowler and I would just say, "it's not for sale". I didn't want to go thru the hassle of all that, and at the time, it was all the TT I needed..
After the deal was made, I looked at the local dealers web site and they had the old Prowler pic with a "Sold" label in in and the price was $9500.. I don't know what they ended up with, but I was still happy with my trade.. :)
I'm not a sales person, so I just was not comfortable with offering this to the general public, where most would be just "looking", or someone trying to rip me off..
Anyway, that was back in 2019, so dunno what it's like now, but I still detest dealing with the general public in that manner, so trading was a win/win in my case...
Your rig will be worth whatever someone else is willing to pay for it.. Dealer, dude off the street, whoever...
Online or other samples of similar rigs values are all fine and dandy.. It's the guy or offer that you feel comfortable with at that time is what you are going to have to decide.
To me, towing my old Prowler into the dealer, getting $6500 trade and driving out with the new Rockwood was the deal for me.. Your mileage may vary.. ;)