Dave H M wrote:
JR, if a person was to plumb the aux into the filler neck like I did there is not an issue, has not been for 7 years on my F250. Stick a normally closed fuel valve between the aux pump and the inlet to the filler neck. Wire the valve so that it is open when fuel is pumping.
I thought about that. But then I thought about "What happens when pump the last of the gas out of the added tank?" Bet my engine would die. Would it restart? Likely, but would it start just shutting off pump? Or would I need to go to neutral, hit the key, and back to drive? Then there is the chance of the valve leaking air. Not a good chance, but I don't like to open doors for Mr. Murphy.
My little engine, and my little camper, I get to quarter tank after over 300 miles. And I have no issue getting in and out of gas stations. Works for me, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. YMMV