Why not? Could happen.
I was out camping a few years back, camper next to us was having issues with her truck. A single lady with 3 kids camping in a small tent trailer had spun her flex plate on her 1/2 ton. I made a few calls to a near by town (3hr round trip), located a flex plate. Went to pick it up and after hearing about this lady's plight, the wrecker gave us the flex plate no charge! Drove back to campsite with the help of a few other campers we pushed the truck to a nearby low ditch. Had the truck straddle the ditch to give me enough room to get under and pull the tranny. Removed the broken flex plate re-installed the tranny and she was able to drive home later that weekend. The woman her kids and the good people that helped pushed the truck and my family got together that night and a hell of a party! Made some new camping friends that weekend!
Always willing to help anyone stranded, cause someday it might be me and would welcome any assistance.
There are plenty of good people around the world...just good news doesn't travel as well as the bad stuff!