Forum Discussion

noonenosthis1's avatar
Nov 17, 2020

back up camera

A while back I posted about someone stealing the tailgate from our 2015 F350 super duty. Well, we finally got a tailgate HOWEVER, the body shop can't find the pigtail/wire harness for the back up camera anywhere in the United States. Anyone have any ideas? I've used the Ford website and they directed me to Parts Voice which sends out an email to dealerships. The body shop hasn't had any luck finding this part. I think it is the part that Ford had a problem with a while back. We are looking for a Ford fc3z-14a412-a oem wiring assembly. btw, total cost for this tailgate is coming onto 6 grand!
Anyone know of any after market/used parts places?
  • fx2tom wrote:

    Thank you for doing this research. Unfortunately, no one has this part. Per one web site, Ford has this on national backorder with no release date. The Ebay sites only have a camera that is in the handle, not the Ford emblem. That's where it gets tricky. We may have to replace the radio and have a new camera installed via the tailgate handle. sheesh! I hope whoever stole this tailgate is having a hard time getting it hooked up to their truck. :M
  • Go to, they have many Ford camera’s.
  • Grit dog wrote:
    Idk, I just googled the part number and came up with pages of OE Ford parts places with it, unless they're all out of stock, clicked on a few and didn't say on backorder.

    6 grand?? Wow! Hope you used insurance, cause the body shop took someone for a ride...
    I recall posting up tailgates for sale for you months ago. Coulda bought one, and had it painted to match for maybe $1500...tops, if you bought the camera and pigtail separately.

    I've messaged Ford and they have me going through Voice Parts. Emails were sent out to 4 dealerships with no response yet. Of course, this pig tail has to fit this camera and Ford had a couple of different versions for this year, not interchangeable.

    Out here the basic tailgate starts at 1100.00 From what I've seen that doesn't even include the Ford emblem which is where the camera is located. He could have just gone with a basic tailgate but he wanted to replace exactly what he had.
  • fx2tom wrote:

    Thank you for these links. I will show them to my husband. Some pigtails in this model and year truck have the camera screen on the radio, our screen is on the rear view mirror.
  • rlw999 wrote:
    btw, total cost for this tailgate is coming onto 6 grand!

    How did it end up so expensive? Paint? The tailgate itself is "only" $900 on Ford's website, even if the backup cam plus calibration (?) is another $1000, that's still a long ways from $6K.

    Well, Ford has several different types of tailgates for F350 and I'm sure any truck. Ours had the camera in the Ford emblem, cover over the top and on the tailgate same as the bed of the truck, step and hand rail. It wasn't a regular tailgate and I can imagine that's why it was stolen.
  • btw, total cost for this tailgate is coming onto 6 grand!

    How did it end up so expensive? Paint? The tailgate itself is "only" $900 on Ford's website, even if the backup cam plus calibration (?) is another $1000, that's still a long ways from $6K.
  • " btw, total cost for this tailgate is coming onto 6 grand! "

    ....Are you kidding???? For a freakin' tailgate?? You could buy an ENGINE for that price!!!
  • Idk, I just googled the part number and came up with pages of OE Ford parts places with it, unless they're all out of stock, clicked on a few and didn't say on backorder.

    6 grand?? Wow! Hope you used insurance, cause the body shop took someone for a ride...
    I recall posting up tailgates for sale for you months ago. Coulda bought one, and had it painted to match for maybe $1500...tops, if you bought the camera and pigtail separately.