PeteK-Hou wrote:
A balanced tire has to be better then one that isn't...right?
By all means, have trailer tires balanced.
My opinion that all trailer tires should be balanced began back in 2008 when I bought a flat bed car hauler trailer (new from a dealer).
The trip home was about 30 miles. On the interstate, the vibration was so bad that it could be felt in my truck.
I took the tires off the trailer and went to a tire shop to have them balanced. Several of them were so badly manufactured (out-of-round) that the tire store was not able to get them balanced properly.
I took all 4 tires/wheels back to the trailer dealer and asked for new ones.
The sales guy looked at me in disbelief that I was "balancing" my trailer tires. He made some totally off the wall comment about it.
They did get me new tires/wheels, which balanced fine.
Since then, I've always balanced my trailer tires.
Last year I bought a utility trailer. It also had vibrations I could feel in the truck prior to getting the tires balanced.
Here's a video I made of those tires. Here's a video I made
comparing Goodyear Endurance tires to another brand of ST tire