Turtle n Peeps wrote:
This whole thing reminds me of a solution waiting for a nonexistent problem.
Kind of like people freaking out over 240F ATF temps. :R
Well I've turned my gear oil into sludge with the stock cover, and turned a couple sets of ring and pinion gears blue from heat, using a "flat back" cover. My diff temp gauge maxes out at 250F. While 250F won't break down synthetic gear oil, it does affect the additives in them, and if I run that hot for a while, I'll end up with limited slip chatter until I change the oil. If I see it climbing past 250F and I'm not near the top of a grade, I pull over and let it cool. Or slow down if I'm not going to hold up any traffic.
Does everybody need this? Nope. Not at all. But anybody running over factory GCWR and over factory HP levels, and tows through mountain states, they should at least monitor their diff temps. They might be a candidate.
If anything happens to my current flat-back (or I blow up another axle), I might consider one of these. But for now, I'll just continue with my M.O, and pull over for 15 minutes once a year (if that).