ferndaleflyer wrote:
Thats so true. My girls both know how to change a tire and change their own oil. I once watched the younger show her boyfriend how to change his oil. But my Mercedes has those extended lug bolts and I have already had to cut one wheel off because 2 of them broke and as it sits right now another is going to have to be cut off. Even road service would be lost with this situation. Those of us with some mechanical and diagnostic skills will soon be gone, then what?
My old pickup lugnuts have stainless steel covers over them. I discovered that rust can form on the steel nuts, and distort the caps to the point none of my sockets will fit. (I have 6 point sockets Metric, SAE, and Wentworth/British Standard.) Peal the cover off, and still not a standard size. In a bag I carry all the sockets close to the right size, enough nuts to replace all on 1 wheel, and a tool designed to remove rounded nuts.
Years ago, I took a fork tube off a UJM, cut it to about the length of my long breaker bar. Then I cut a pipe that would just fit over the fork tube. This lets me double the length of breakerbar with plenty of overlap. When I sold the tool truck, I kept this, and put it in wife's trunk. I would hope somebody would help her, but with that we both know she can break the nuts loose.