jwandvassie wrote:
CavemanCharlie wrote:
jwandvassie wrote:
Connect the black to negative and red to positive.
Use an ohmmeter to determine which of the white wires is connected to the chassis. (One lead on a non-painted nor rusty part of the frame and the other on the wires.) The one with near zero ohms should be connected to the negative terminal and the other to the positive.
Noooo , not always on campers. Things can get weird and people can have messed with stuff.
I wouldn't' hook up anything until you do some checking !!!!!
Trust me. As an electrical engineer, this person knows nothing about electricity. Black is ALWAYS negative and red is ALWAYS positive during my 40 years of RVing. Other colors are questionable.
It would be delightfully rational and consistent if black was always ground.
But no.
On my present and previous rig, black is the hot wire, white is connected to the frame.