gemde wrote:
I'm using an external charger, and by "rapid" I mean about 4 hours.
I'll have to check the Dometic. Thanks!
I haven't switched to LEDs yet.
Water heater off when not awaiting a shower
It could still be other things besides the fridge, but I know that is something that is frequently overlooked, because most people don't know about that "feature" of dometic fridges. If that doesn't pan out, you may need to get a hold of an amp meter and start testing all the 12v circuits, should be able to test across the fuse terminals for each one with an amp meter and find which one is drawing your batteries down.
LED lights will make a HUGE difference, but with your described sparse usage of lights, I doubt that is your issue here, we went LED in our last rig, and never worried about using the lights again. Our new rig came factory with LEDs which saved me a bunch of hassle, I think we could have every light in the rig on lighting it up like daylight and still use less power than ONE single incandescent light lol.
I installed these cheap LED's in my old rig, and was quite impressed with them, the double sided adhesive on them sucks, but for the price that was a minor gripe, I installed them with some 3M VHB adhesive and never looked back, just as bright, and same color as the bulbs I replaced, a nice worthwhile upgrade for under $20.