Forum Discussion

GULFMAN's avatar
Aug 22, 2017

Battery isolator

Hello All,

I was just curious i have a 2002 f-350 when the engine is running is it charging my two camper batteries. I have the camper connected to the truck trailer hitch plug in (the round one) i use the other (flat) for the trailers when pulling them. So when the key is out of the ignition switch will it drain the truck battery?

  • With a Ford the answer is no, it will not drain the trucks battery.
    Chev/GM = Yes.
    Dodge/Ram = Yes.
  • While you're using the volt meter (tester), compare the charge voltage at the camper batteries with the voltage at the alternator (with engine running of course). Should be very close (unless the batteries are drawing major current)
  • I don't think you can be sure how it's wired without using a tester. Who knows who wired it.
  • Very easy to figure out with a tester - about 5 seconds.

  • I have a 2007 F250 and for a short time use the trailer connection plug like you do for your TC. That line doesn't energize till the engine is running at least that's how it works on my truck. There's a couple of relays that control this function.
  • I believe on all Fords for a long time there has been a relay disconnect in the trailer charge circuit, so with the key off, there is no connection and no drain. This was true of my '99 F350 and also my '15 F350 so I assume your '02 also.