smkettner wrote:
How do you determine the battery is fully charged?
Hydrometer is best method but only used for diagnostics. You don't want to take it camping.
Resting disconnected 48 hours should hold 12.65+ volts at full charge.
Do you have a voltmeter? If not get one. Even better is a DC clamp-on ammeter to know where the power is going. Regular meter has an ammeter too for light loads and not as convenient.
If you incorporate your test with voltage or amperage readings it will help.
More to read here:
The 12 Volt Side of Life
The way I think the battery is fully charged is from leaving it plugged in for 3 days then checking the battery gauge that came with the camper. I'm learning this may not be accurate.
I don't have a voltmeter but would like to get one. I'm not familiar with electrical systems/batteries or how they work so I'd have to figure that out.
I appreciate your help, I'm working on it.