jawsthemeswimming428 wrote:
The way I think the battery is fully charged is from leaving it plugged in for 3 days then checking the battery gauge that came with the camper. I'm learning this may not be accurate.
I don't have a voltmeter but would like to get one. I'm not familiar with electrical systems/batteries or how they work so I'd have to figure that out.
I appreciate your help, I'm working on it.
Fair enough. Yes after 3 days the battery should be charged. I suspect the battery might be a small group 24 and is likely in poor shape even if near new.
Going below 11.5 volts is very hard on a battery. The more time it spends severely discharged the more the batter sulfates and permanently loses capacity. So even if fully charged the battery may only hold 50% or less of the original energy. Very important to keep the battery fully charged when not in use. When the detector is beeping the battery is way more discharged than it should ever be. Probably 10 volts or less.
Best at this point to take the battery to a store and have it tested. Really need to review and change the usage and storage habits. Yes if you will be camping off-grid you need to become a battery expert.
To really know where the power is going you may need to get a DC clamp-on ammeter. Your trailer should 'idle' at less than 1 amp and even with a single small battery should last 48 hours.