As 67avion's prior owner, I was the one that made the "monster", the extremely heavy duty belly bar. If you want to buy it, I bet he'd sell it to you at a reasonable price.
But his criticisms are quite valid, particularly if you off-road. With my new unit, I bought Torklifts for the front and copied Torklifts for the back to fit into the hitch ends.
Just to be clear, the belly bar certainly served its handled my camper with never a problem. That is, until I went off road into some sketchy rocky road. And then I nearly had a disaster. My Blue Heaven was very clear about the belly bar when I got the camper from him several years ago, in fact he is an ideal PO.
So, if you never go off road or go over a curb, etc., there is nothing to worry about. If you do, then that solid belly bar could do some real damage.