StonedPanther wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
StonedPanther wrote:
trailer_newbe wrote:
Check out the “RV Nerd” on You Tube where he talks about this in detail as to why gas/elec is going away in the US RV market. He is a large dealer in Michigan who sells many different manufacturers, so it’s safe to say gas/elec is unfortunately going buy-buy.
The only thing safe to say is Josh the RV Nerd works for a large dealer in Michigan and before that he worked for another large dealer in Michigan. He is not a "Dealer", he works for one. It's also safe to say he is wrong with his predictions more often than not. He's a salesperson who happened to become a YouTube Star.
I'll say it again. They're using these 12V fridges as standard because they're cheaper to buy and install and the savings goes straight to the bottom line, Every manufacturer offers a gas/electric option as an upcharge, typically to the tune of $600.00 to $1000.00.
Not totally true. Grand Design has switched over to 12V with no absorption option. You can go to their build site and there's no gas/elec option. Some Forest River products allow the switch. It would take too long to check all mfg but gas/elc is dying with many brand models.
Agree it's a numbers game.
Well I know this much from a position associated with the RV Industry. Dometic and Norcold have no intention of eliminating the Gas/Elec Fridge. You have a few things going on. The RV Industry is in a downturn that's not been seen since 2008. You are aware shipments and sales are down in the order of 50%? Most of the 12V compressor fridges that most manufacturers are using are cheap and have a high failure rate. To keep a low overall price point most are going with a 12V Compressor Fridge as the only option on their lower tier models. Good luck if you have a Furrion or an Everchill 12V compressor, you'll need it.
As an example Keystone RV. The gas/elec is not offered on a low end stick and tin Springdale but go up the ladder a notch to a stick and tin Hideout and a gas/elec 8cu ft is standard. Another notch up to an Outback or Premier and you can go either way. Its the same thing with most Forest River brands and between those two, Thor and Forest River, that's almost 80% of the entire towables market. Grand Design has went totally cheap. Everthing on one of their products from the frame to the roof vent is a Lippert product, the appliances and electronics are all Furrion (Lippert).
There was a huge glut of 12V compressor fridges available, but gas/elec was in a huge shortage for the last 3 years. It takes a lot more parts and pieces, and labor, to build a gas/elec than it does a 12V compressor unit. Gas/elec prices have shot up. A few years ago a 7cu ft gas/elec would have set you back @ $1400.00 or less on the street, now they're north of $1800.00 and good luck finding one at $1800.00. The Industry does not pay street or retail prices for things BTW.
Its no different a situation than the fold in the door "solid steps". Those too are not used because they're better, but because they're much cheaper to buy and install. You don't need additional frame mounting points installed or outriggers, and a lot less work is required on the lower fascias on the line. Its all about the bottom line as per usual, not added convenience or improvement.
Agree it's about the money. But after owning a 12V fridge for 3 seasons I'll never go back to an absorption. My last Norcold lasted exactly 1.5 years. Came with a 1 year warranty. New Norcolds were like you say in $1400 range so I went with my GE 12V for $950 including a 3 year warranty for $50. Except for some erratic temp fluctuations it's ran flawless. I still think it's going to be the new way to go for whatever reasons. Money, parts, space, etc.