TECMike wrote:
And I also should have used 303 Protectant on mine through the years. Your roof is a testimony to that product.
Thanks Mike,
Yes, the 303 makes a big, big difference on the EPDM roof and caulk. Since I retired 5 years ago, I acquired a somewhat, extreme hobby. I restore water logged campers... Some guys do boats, cars, trucks, motorcycles, houses, well I do campers. :) I am on my 13th camper rot repair. Some for friends, and some I own. I have 5 campers now in my barn, our big one we camp in all the time in my sig, then 4 other that are projects campers in stages of drying out and restoration.
These campers are the same brand, Sunline, that I have in my sig. Three of them are 2004 campers and one a 2007. These have the classic, the owner never took care of the roof, or the siding seals. They never knew they had to. As such, they all had seeper type drip leaks in them, leaking for years.
The key point of this, they never did much to the roof. The original Dicor caulk is literally toast. All dried up, split, heavy dirt imbedded. The white shed layer of the EPDM is cracked like lighting bolts everywhere. These campers are the same age as mine. I never knew how much the 303 really does for the good of the caulk and the rubber, by cleaning the roof correctly and using the 303, until I saw it with my own eyes, on the same age roofing system, that is not washed, and not cared for on the caulk. The UV kills the caulk and the shed layer on the rubber.
Not to mention the heavy flexing of the camper from towing in the 4 corners of the roof system. That splits the caulk big time, even if the caulk is in good shape. I saw that on my big one in 2010 and I was being anal about the caulk. The roof was spotless on the caulk in November, come March after a snowy winter, there was a big split in the corner from being stored outside on a 6 year old camper. That is when I said, even I could not keep up this caulk mess, it is not going to cut it. Thus the Eternabond was born and is the best thing I ever did for the roof sealants.
Using only caulk as your primary seal against water intrusion on a camper roof, is a leak waiting to happen if you plan on keeping a camper much past 5 to 8 years. Especially if the camper lives outside all the time.
Eternabond, 303 and taking care of the roof is the winner.
Let us know what you come up with on your roof.