gbopp wrote:
Yes, you're going to get a lot of opinions.
My vote is for Heng's Rubber Roof Coating. It goes on easily and needs no primer. Just wash the roof well before applying. I used 2 1/2 gallons to cover 30' of roof with two light coats.
Heng's holds up well.
Use Eternabond and Dicor Self Leveling Caulk for any seams or tears in the roof.
1 yr??
2 yrs??
3 yrs??
5 yrs??
10 yrs??
15 yrs???
Is the "HOLDS UP WELL" just the "pretty blinding white" factor?
If so, blinding white does not equal "HOLDING UP WELL"...
It can look pretty and white but if in the end it cracks, wears thin or peels off or you have to reapply again, it failed to "HOLD UP WELL".
RVrs seem to be totally obsessed with having a "blinding white roof" and are willing to spend a lot of time and money on keeping it blinding white.
Slathering things on that roof also does not add real life to the roof, just prolongs the obvious issue a couple of yrs.. If you are really planning to hold on to the RV, fixing old cracked caulking is best plan than worrying about the color..
You don't see home owners painting sticks and bricks roofs, not sure why RVs get so obsessed with perfect white roofs.. They will get dirty, they will go grey to black as the roof wears and even if the roof goes 100% black as long as it sheds water it is 100% functional without slathering fixes in a can on it.