ajriding wrote:
qtla9111 wrote:
ajriding wrote:
What kind of roof do you have? rubber, fiberglass, aluminum?
Don't use Amazon. Ebay has it too and is not funding the hatred of America. Do your homework on where your money goes.
I appreciate the info on tape but I'll decide where I want to buy the product from.
Lot's of people support anti-American companies. Congrats on being one of them. Do homework, Im not trying to sway you, just to provide info that you can investigate yourself then make an informed decision.
On second though.. Yes, use tape all over your camper. Tape it up like a redneck duct tape'd Ford sedan. Ruin the value and render it un-sellable and insure water damage years down the road...
I have re-written this response 4 times now. Each time trying to bring it down a notch. This is as down a notch as I can get.
Really? Let's break down your post...
"Lot's of people support anti-American companies. Congrats on being one of them."So, by saying this, you are accusing the OP of being Anti-American by supporting Anti-American companies. If he is supporting an Anti-American company, then logic follows that he must be Anti-American. He should be thrown in Leavenworth!!!
Do you have admissible LEGAL proof that Amazon is an Anti-American company? If there were truly any real LEGAL in court proof that Amazon was being illegal in its operations, treasonous, or performing acts of sedition, they would have the Justice Department arresting their CEO's, top Managers, etc.
Unless of course you want to buy into the theory that they ARE in cahoots with the government and are paying bribes so they can keep their illuminati conspiracy going...
"Do homework, Im not trying to sway you, just to provide info that you can investigate yourself then make an informed decision."By that very comment, Yes, you ARE trying to sway him.
The info you tell him to investigate? I see you posted no links to anything. To verified, UN-BIASED facts that are vouched for by BOTH sides of the discussion.
I can say that the sky is blue because every morning angels get up there with spray paint and paint it blue. Mind you, I have absolutely NO verified evidence of this, but it sure sounds good and might sell books. But when science says differently, and it has been proven otherwise, then my FACTS have nothing to stand on...at all.
In the last part of your post, you attack the OP because he disagreed with your ideas. People come here for information from those with experience. The OP was asking for an experienced opinion about they various types of RV tape. But because he chose to call you on your opinion, you insult him. You should be extremely proud. They should nominate your for Forum Buddy of the Year!!
Just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't mean you have to be a (insert your word of choice here).
Just my 2 cents...your mileage may vary...see dealer for details.