Forum Discussion

adamboyd's avatar
Sep 08, 2019

Best selling truck campers (by volume) ?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a list which showed the best selling truck campers (by volume). Speculation/discussion is fine too, it doesn't need to be based on hard facts. I am just interested in knowing roughly which campers sell the most. Thank you :)
  • IMO, long-term resale value (of any item) is a more telling and interesting stat than sales/popularity.
  • adamboyd wrote:

    Not a bad idea. I did a rough search of all campers on RV trader from 2017+ and this is the rough conclusion I came to for nationwide sales:

    26% - Lance
    18% - Northwood Mfg (Arctic Fox / Wolf Creek)
    16% - Palomino
    15% - Adventurer LP (Eagle Cap / Adventurer)
    9% - Travel Lite
    6% - Northern Lite
    4% - Northstar
    3% - NuCamp
    2% - Host
    1% - Bigfoot

    Maybe that's because nobody wants them and wants to get into another brand. ;)
  • Agreed that here in the West it is Lance, with Four Wheel as a close second. I see them of all vintages everywhere I go. But they are built here in California and have been for many years. Stats might be different elsewhere.
  • Kayteg1 wrote:
    On West coast Lace beats all the competition hands down.
    Just go to local Craigslist and see what is on the market.

    Not a bad idea. I did a rough search of all campers on RV trader from 2017+ and this is the rough conclusion I came to for nationwide sales:

    26% - Lance
    18% - Northwood Mfg (Arctic Fox / Wolf Creek)
    16% - Palomino
    15% - Adventurer LP (Eagle Cap / Adventurer)
    9% - Travel Lite
    6% - Northern Lite
    4% - Northstar
    3% - NuCamp
    2% - Host
    1% - Bigfoot

    Of course this list isn't super accurate. It is missing some bigger niche manufacturers like Four Wheel Campers.
  • On West coast Lace beats all the competition hands down.
    Just go to local Craigslist and see what is on the market.