Forum Discussion

TravelFor6's avatar
Sep 05, 2017

Best tow vehicle for family of 6?

We have 3 kids and one (and last!) on the way. We're looking to buy a new RV, but finding a towing vehicle that can accommodate all of us AND tow an RV big enough for us is an issue. Any suggestions? I heard that you can have a 3rd row custom added to a truck, although I'm not sure where that's done or if it would be safe for the kiddos. Otherwise, we're thinking a Yukon Denali which tows 8900, but that limits us quite a bit on the trailer (we're hoping to get a trailer with a bunk room for the kids so we're not constantly changing the dining/living area from seats to beds). Anyone knowledgable about truck modifications or have a big family with a tow vehicle/RV that works well for you?