I have not destroyed one completely so some details are still obscure to me. In the walls and ceiling I have not seen any pine framing chopper gunned in place (but you can't see much of it). The box under the floor (that the whole camper sits on) is part of the molded bottom piece, but here the thickish plywood is chopper gunned in place and it is all pretty solid. On top of the 1 1/2 plywood box walls is the floor, which is 3/4 plywood covered by 1/2 inch particle board. Then as is typical of RV construction, the floor covering (vinyl or carpet) is put of the whole floor and the cabinets installed on top. There are other places where plywood backs up the fiberglass shell, such as the jack attachments and hold downs.
Since for the most part the cabinets are floor to ceiling, they don't need terribly secure fastening to the walls. The "airline cabinets" (the ones that hang from the ceiling) might have more substantial backing, I do not know. On my 1986 Bigfoot 5th wheel, these cabinets did want to sag, though it was more from the screws pulling loose than the wall falling apart. I have not had that problem with either the 1998 or the 2008 camper.