wnjj wrote:
3 tons wrote:
The formula I provided here is the verbatim method the Army uses, and is what the USAF teaches where the (static) COG must be calculated for each single item positioned (or stationed per fuselage reference datum line) on the aircraft’s cargo floor. FWIW, this method served me well over the years as a USAF Certified aircraft Load Planner...Forums are great, but personally I would seriously hesitate before dismissing this method - just saying...
3 tons
I never said your formula was wrong just that the simpler one you claimed was wrong, wasn’t wrong. The funny thing is they are in fact the same formula, as I pointed out in my other post. When talking about COG relative to camper jacks, it’s easier to use one set of jacks (front or rear) as the “datum line” so that half of the math goes away (d=0 for the moments at those jacks). That’s all the simple formula does and is consistent with what you learned.
I also don’t agree that percentage of weight on the jacks has nothing to do with COG. That’s exactly what it has to do with.
Interesting observation - I’ve not attempted that approach, but it seems there is more than one way to skin a cat - thx,
3 tons