Kayteg1 wrote:
I hate how my dually rides empty
Sway? Maybe over the years I know what to expect, but driving with my 6000 lb camper at 80 mph in semi-trailer rear turbulence was not a problem.
Problem? There lies the question...
It sure as heck does not drive like there was not that 6K tall camper on it and you,like me,are used to driving truck campers.
What about the new to truck campers like the op?
She do everything to the 3500 SRW with a 10.4 camper and was not happy with the result.Someone should have told her from the beginning that putting a TC on a pickup is going to create sway,no matter what..
Your truck with that 6K camper does "Not" drive like it was empty and has sway in corners it would not have,empty..
That's just a fact that should be passed on to the newbe's..