jaycocreek wrote:
BradW wrote:
"Statics is fun ... except when your professor gives you a test question he didn't set up right and you end up with a rope in compression"
Statics was fun, but dynamics was a pain. There was some black chick in our dynamics class that was already working out at NASA and she made the rest us of us look stupid.
Anyway, a simple thought experiment would be:
If 100% of the force was on the front jacks, the CG would be directly over the front jacks.
If 100% of the force was on the rear jacks, the CG would be directly over the rear jacks.
If 50% of the force was on both the front jacks and rear jacks, the CG would be 50% between them.
Black chick, really from an ex moderator....Ha ha ha...Does color/education really matter in the real world about truck campers?
Sometimes people are labeled without the benefit of doubt of there actual experience in any matter..Education is never wrong,but it does not carry over into the real world in every case,like truck campers..
The word is, Class A owners are the snobs on the internet, which I think is wrong...Anyone knocking another is the real snob via an internet connection thinking there better than someone else because of education.
The fact is,experience doing or having done what someone ask,trips what all the classes said would or would not happen.
Who cares..A 10 foot truck camper is going to sway on the corners no matter what you load it on.The truck will not act and drive like it was empty...
There are some that mislead future truck camper owners and I think it is wrong..They will sway in corners and will not drive or act like they were not there..
Some have know problem with it and others do and math has know bearing on it..
Ugg, we must be in some snowflake zone (?)...In it’s context, I take it as a ‘compliment of envy’ to show just how talanted she was compared to her lowly peers - so much for me’s over-thinking lol!
3 tons