CampinEarls wrote:
After reading so many posts arguing about the bike racks on the bumpers of TTs, I finally saw a failure today on the side of the road. They had a rack with two bikes on it, the bumper had torn around where it was welded to the frame, the bottom part was still barely attached. I don't know how far they drug the bikes before they realized it. I just saw it as I drove by, it was in the middle of town and looked like they had everything under control...
I shared this story a few months ago on a similar thread, but I will again.
Several years ago we were heading Up North to where my username is located. We were on US 23 curving around to the north side of Ann Arbor, and there along the left side of the road was a bike rack laying right up against the concrete barrier. A few bikes were still attached, and another was a bit further up the road. All were smashed completely into a mess, and the bike rack was too. We didn't see the bumper, but there was such a twisted mass of metal laying there, and we we obviously rolling along at 65 mph so it might have been there.
As I said then, I wonder how that poor family felt when they discovered what had happened.
Convinced me then that hauling the bikes INSIDE the trailer (while a bit more work) was working for us just fine. Now that we have the truck with the truck cap some ride back there too.