pmlevine wrote:
Well, there is a waste drain at each campsite, so no, I am not making other folks wait while I try to jet rinse the black tank. This model TT came equipped with a built-in jet rinse for the black tank. There is a separate, dedicated hose port on the TT specifically for the jet rinse. I only use the jet rinse after first draining the black tank, then the grey tank. The jet rinse is done with only the black valve open, and is the last thing I do before leaving the campsite.
So I also don’t understand why BurpMan does not like the idea of hooking up a hose from the campsite water supply to the separate jet rinse port on the TT.
I do the same thing. Empty tanks...flush black tank using the rinse port...close valve and let run for a minute to put a few gallons of fresh water into the tank so it doesn't run dry. Simple and certainly no risk to the water system of the campground.