bobndot wrote:
korbe wrote:
dpgerson wrote:
Thanks for that suggestion, Korbe. I have considered that, especially since I might one day build a cabin on the site. Any idea how much that would cost, ballpark. I wouldn't be able to do any of the work myself. Would have to pay to have it done.
AS far as using the macerator pump. I see some with 1 1/2 inch intakes. I think the sewer hose that I dump with is larger than that. Do I need an adadpter?
I would go into the office of the County Health dept ( County Sanitarian) and find out the local requirements. One nice benefit for this type of system is that you don't need power for the system - and it is always a nice selling point, or for the future cabin.
Ditto....Research Local laws regarding septic ! If you have a pond, stream or brook on the property, that could be a deal breaker in some instances.
Yes, check local laws.
We have some lake property in Minnesota. It's too close to the lake to put in a septic. It's not too close for a holding tank.
Can't tell you a cost, because our tank (1500 gallon) has been in for twenty some years. We have it setup with full time hook up for one travel trailer / 5th wheel, and an access for visitors to dump their tanks. The trailer gets used every weekend (two people) from April to October, plus a few weeks here and there (4 - 6 people) with visitors. The tank lasts 3 - 4 years, between pumping.
Smaller tanks are available.