Thanks so far guys, just heard back and he said that it would gain 30HP and 40-50 TQ. Plus 1-3 mpg better. I am assuming that it would require 91 oct. Also would be better throttle response and reducing Tq management. This tune will cost 599.00 and it's the hand held one that you can have many different programs on it. So one day u could tune it for towing and the other day put it back at stock. So I know that this will not turn the SB into a BB or diesel... Not an issue for me. Jumping from 360HP and 380 TQ stock to 390 HP and 430 TQ is not a bad deal..... Plus getting rid of most of the sluggish TQ management would be nice.. From what I understand is they send u the hand held unit, then u drive around while it gathers info. After u send it via email back to them with what you want out of the truck and they email the program's back to u for install. Seems pretty much straight forward. So definitely considering it tonight and will let u know if I order it. Been reading today online and it's a popular tune for GM trucks. Again no diesel but I don't want one anyway, big thing that I want reduced is the TQ management......