Forum Discussion

wanderingbob's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 17, 2015

blue def again !

I am right now sitting in a Wal-Mart lot in N.C. for the nite , it is dark but I decided to go buy some blue def and pour it in tonite instead of waiting until morning . Got my flashlite and am working away when , you guessed it , police cars and blue lites came flying over gonna arrest me for stealing fuel out of some parked truck ! Please send cigarettes ! !
  • holstein13 wrote:

    Did they suggest where you may be able to siphon some DEF fluid?

    I have heard that stuff tastes like piss.
  • That's where you went wrong. You are supposed to pour the DEF into the DEF container, not into the fuel tank. Good thing they stopped you. :-)

    Did they suggest where you may be able to siphon some DEF fluid?
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Are you sure you aren't at KMart and a 'blue light special' was going on?
    Like a Blue Light Special on fresh donuts? :B
  • Are you sure you aren't at KMart and a 'blue light special' was going on?
  • naturist wrote:
    Well, on the good side, somebody was watching your rig against thieves.

    Yes, I see this as a good thing.

    Complacency is your enemy in a Walmart at night.
  • I make a mean chocolate chip cookie. Can make one big enough for a hack saw if need be!

  • wanderingbob wrote:
    Please send cigarettes ! !

    Smoking isn't good for you. Is a cake with a hacksaw okay?
  • Well, on the good side, somebody was watching your rig against thieves.

    Were the lads with guns familiar with the concept of adding blue?