To echo what a lot of other tote uses have said above, a lot of good advice. In my case also,,,Gray water only. I bought a 25 gallon tote that has the ready removable heavy rod handle, and with a little thinking was able to design a quick assemble front 8" swivel wheel, on sale no less from Harbor Freight, and a float for a gauge from two fishing bobbers that goes into the relief air fitting that is at the top of the tank when filling.
For our stays in the state and corps campgrounds, as one guy said here," You know those are the ones with the trees". Since the gray water tank fills up far far faster than the black, even watching how much we use . Its just plain nice to know that once we settle down for say a week, or even two as in recent stay at a state park. That we/I do not have to dissemble every thing outside, as well and inside, hook up, pull out, then back back in,,, just to dump.
Most of these campgroung ground dump openings are cast around a sloping concrete slip. I simply pull up (now this is also in the middle of the day when I have the station all to myself) prop the metal drain cap opening open, unscrew the tote's 4" cap, set my two home made chocks locking the wheels, lift the back and let it flow,,, into the concrete slip down the drain goes the gray water. Wash the place down, tighten the cap, load back into the bed. !/2 hour and I am done,,,,all done.
The hardest thing of all, after going ahead and making the decision to buy a tote, was (took a couple of trips) re aranging every thing in the 6'4" bed of the truck's order of things. In order to carry it around in one spot, all of the time, untill that time we needed it.