Forum Discussion

Redterpos3's avatar
Nov 15, 2013

Blue Tote?

I've heard about using the blue tote for dumping so you don't have to move the rig. When the tote is not as large as the tanks you are dumping from do you just have to wing it and hope you shut it down before the tote is full? The Thetford video says it has some kind of autostop that "stops flow when tank is full to prevent messy over-filling", how does it do that, and what happens to the "stuff" between the tote and the dump valve, or does it stop just short of full, and allow you to shut the valve?? Hoping to not have a mess on my hands, literally!;)
  • I'm considering the tote to be able to dump at my house. My cleanout is on the other side of the house, and I tried dragging my trailer across the yard, but couldn't get it level enough to dump correctly. And driving around the trees, and the slopes around my house was a little precarious.
  • Some have a float/plunger that rises up with level increase and blocks the vent.

    No more fluids can get in....close dump valve, press down on float/plunger to vent and allow drain line to evacuate into tote.

    Then make several trips back & forth to dump station to empty tote.

    We have one..........used it once.
    After that I just move rig to dump station dump and then reset 5vr back up.
    For me..less hassle and I'm not dragging a tote full of stuff down the campground road hoping the handle doesn't break, a wheel doesn't break, tote doesn't tip over, tote doesn't crack/develop a leak while in transit and I don't have to make several trips..........let alone mess with dumping the tote.

    Just me........but I can move 5vr dump and be back in site just as quick as I can do one round trip with tote
  • I have 32 gal tank 25 gal tote. I just wing it, haven't overflowed it yet. After a few uses you get a good guage on how long it takes to fill.
  • On mine there is a vent valve and I can see how much is in the tank. I also lift it while filling to check on weight. Once its at a certain weight or level I shut it off and dump. Pretty simple.
  • I have a 25 gallon tote, and 30 gallon gray. I just wing it. I have not spilled it yet. Worse was loosing the hitch hoop and lifted the 25 gallon tote full into the back of a suburban. Walked it in so wheels went up first. Had it completely pointing down and rolled/lifted it up over the step bumper solo. I am 5"9 170lbs and it was a chore.