I am not a "prepper", and I have absolutely no concern about nuclear war or the zombie apocalypse :R But I live in Northern California… in an area that has flooded in the past (not in the time I have lived here) and I accept the fact that it is a matter of time until we have a (another) large earthquake. When one of these events happens, it is likely that our house could be without city power/water/natural gas for a period of time.
My truck camper is always available if I were to need it. The most likely scenario is that we would choose to shelter in place and use the TC for electricity, refrigeration, cooking, and a warm/dry place to sleep. I have enough food, water, whiskey, and fuel on hand to care for my family (no, the kids cannot share my whiskey!). The TC also offers media (satellite radio & TV) that would provide us with news and entertainment. I think that we could comfortably stay "at home" for quite a long while.
"Bugging out" would only happen in a genuine emergency… That said, I do have a plan to take my family to nearby, rural destination that is extremely safe in terms of what I think are real-world hazards (weather, flood, earthquake, fire). If I ever had to evacuate, there is absolutely no question that I would take my truck. On the other hand, the decision to take the TC or not would depend on several factors (e.g. if it were already loaded on the truck, speed of evacuation, weather, etc).