Suebee;"In all reality, the TC takes up little more of a footprint than does my SUV, however, it is less maneuverable, but would be way more comfortable to have to sleep in should the need arise to leave my home due to something that I couldn't just hunker down at home for. "
During hurricane SAndy, 4 houses south of me, closer to the Great South Bay, were flooded to the point of being uninhabitable. Some have still not returned as work progresses slowly due to ridiculously slow insurance payouts. The TC would be worth its weight in gold to me in that situation. It would provide emergency ON SITE housing. I would be able to gaurd my property, supervise and participate in rebuiling easly. I guess thats not exactly BOV status technically, but its what I envision as my best option. Our planning for a weather event includes a safe place to ride out the actual event a mile north of my house in the local high schoool parking lot. Its protected on three sides by the stury builing and the fourth side has a heavy duty chain link fence. This cuts down on being hit with not only wind but wind driven objects. Plus its a tree free area. I have further north sites scoped out if the NOAA flood plain map predictions indicate the high school isnt far enough north.
I retired from the FDNY after 24 years. We spent alot of time considering our response to various emergencies. IMO its definitly worth the time to figure on your options to real world possibilities. Also finding a source of reliable information is key to a successful response. The NOAA website has been enormously helpful , as opposed to the talking heads on TV. I have been able to pull up maps predicting flooding that are detailed down to my street corner. During Sandy they were balls on accurate. Also NOAA had accurate graphs predicting the hourly wind speed and direction, which I used to know when to turn my rig to point into the wind. Also very accurate hourly precipitation predictions. TV weather is prone to sensationalsm and broad predictions. NOAA is localised to your zipcode. Very helpful in gauging my response.
As for traveling in my TC while a hurricane is in progress, not a good idea. If tractor trailers flip in wind so can the TC. Lots of situations it would be prudent to stay put during the actual event. The TC would be usless afterwards if its lost in the preliminaries, but as a surviving piece of equipment in an aftermath, priceless.