Forum Discussion

ACZL's avatar
Jul 14, 2021

Brakes for 2017 F350 DRW

This is kinda a multi faceted question. Currently have about 34k on truck. No pulsing and what I'd consider normal fade at this point (but this is subject to each persons view).

So here goes:
1. What's ave life span on factory brakes (not 100% hi-way use)?
2. What's best brand to go with?
3. Replace pads only or both?
4. Best place to get pads/rotors from?
5. Best time of year to do if still okay? (ok I'll take the heat on this one as it's a silly one.....but)

I don't know how current pads look as I'm not in shop when tires are rotated. Just really thinking ahead and formulating a game plan.

  • Are you asking about calipers/pads/rotors/brake fluid, or just pads and rotors?
  • I’m betting after inspection you won’t need any service. Only 34k on a 2017? Wow.
  • We have 30K of almost always hauling a heavy truck camper, heavy fifth wheel, or heavy boat. I inspected my pads a few weeks ago when swapping tires and they were in great shape with probably 70% life left. Rotors look new.

    I change brake fluid every couple years, when I tackle other maintenance that has me under there anyway.

    We use the EB more than the service brakes, so that might make a big difference. Regardless, I doubt you need to worry too much about it right now, but ask the service center to take a look next time you have the tires rotated.

    I've always run either OE, or EBC brakes.