Hi John...since this thread is now dead, I will try to explain my personal wire chafing experience. I do need to admit that, I never made a living, or made my house payments repairing trailer lights. :)
Several trailers ago, on my Damon Challenger FW, my trailer brakes were intermittent, working normal, then hardly at all. IIRC, I would get improved braking by turning up the gain, on the Tekonsha Voyager I was using. Braking seemed okay, for a while, until the next time, just a light touch of the pedal, and trailer tire/tires squealing. I think the very chafed wiring in the tube, would shift at times, changing the contact to axle tube, causing too little braking at times, to severe the next.
I checked the wiring going through the rubber grommet and noticed some chafing, so decided to replace. Now I noticed major chafing, when removing the brittle wiring from inside the tube, which was easily making contact at times.
I replaced complete cross tube wiring, and my problem was solved.
BTW John: I have always thought you to be a respectful, and very helpful member of this forum. It's the reason I took the time to explain my experience. :)
If you learned anything IDK, but a smart man, like you, keeps an open mind. I could not believe another poster, claiming to be a back alley trailer repairman, thinking it's not possible to have chafing, inside the axle tube.
I learned something from this thread, due to OP posting about replacing the emergency switch, solved the problem. I was not believing that his brakes were grabbing, without even a touch of the pedal.
Have a great day!