Grit dog wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
A molded cord is a good idea. I have had good luck by after checking to make sure all is good, then putting enough silicone sealer to fill the cap. Water can't get in, and nothing can shake loose.
Lol, now that’s a real trucker fix goober job.
Well if a mass produced cord will work for you, good. And if your boss sells the molded cords, you can't suggest anything else could work. But if you need the tongue to be over 20 feet long, and expect to drag that tongue out of a pile of material, you don't want splice or junction box at the end of a store-bought cord.
Nearly fill the cover, put it back on, wipe of what is pushed out, and somebody looking close enough to see it deserves to find something wrong.
If a "real trucker fix goober job" can last doing that kind of work, most RVers will never have a problem unless they drag it. And BTW, dragging will kill a molded one too. Cut it off, save the rest of cord.