Online Towing Guide - State Towing LawsThat link will show you the state towing laws and you will see in most cases 3000#, trailer
must have brakes. There are actually a lot of states that require brakes at 1500#.
As per what was already mentioned...most people are probably not advertising the TT they have for sale is equipped with brakes...but the TT probably does have brakes.
As per your question about a Weight Distribution Hitch? Yes! Get one, there is really no reason not to get one for your first.
Keep in mind most hitches have one tongue weight for no WDH and another tongue weight with WDH being used. Also, unless you like your steering wheel to feel slightly unweighted or to be towing at night and people constantly flashing you, get the WDH. When you read of people who say "white knuckle towing experience", a lot of them are referring to either no WDH or an improperly set-up WDH which results in the unweighted steering feel. Take that unweighted steering feel and now descend a 7% grade with a TT pushing you from behind and you get the idea.